Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Revised Piece--Final Draft

This is the space for your finished draft of a piece started in Creative Writing class. Post the text as a comment to this strand. At the top of your comment box, please write the title of your piece, followed by your name. You may copy and paste from a Microsoft Word document or type directly into the comment box. Due by midnight March 1.


  1. Do I put my blog entry on here or in a blog post? O.o

    The opinion piece thing.

  2. "Her Dream"
    By: Katherine Harrell

    The moon is shining, lofty, pale and white;
    Devoted, exploring, moving around,
    Changing shapes and phases slowly each night.
    Admiring, she watches it fade down.

    The sun ascends and fills the once white moon.
    Warming the Earth, it paints the sky bright gold.
    Everyday, it shines brightest near noon.
    She watches it until the day grows old.

    The night returns, along with shining stars,
    As the moon appears again, to shine light.
    A comet passes by and travels far.
    She looks out her window, watching the sight.

    To be an astronaut is what she dreams,
    As far away from now as that may be.

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  11. Hue-go
    I see my pet dog hoping and confused
    he thinks he is a bunny from new york
    i tell him he is dumb, he feels abused
    his favorite toy to play with is a fork
    he claims he is best friends with scooby doo
    the doctor he was missing his brain
    he tells me of his travels to the zoo
    i listen though i know he is insane
    he loves to play with butterflys and hide
    he loves to eat spagetti and take rides
    he always wears a cape and drinks our wine
    he runs around without a sense of time
    ah hah he says when he gains back his smarts
    he was the one who invented sweet tarts

  12. The Grocery Store Debate (Revised Piece)

    There has recently been a debate as to whether or not a new Lowe's Foods grocery store should be built here in Greensboro, N.C. Many people believe it to be a good idea, others not so much the same opinion.
    In a way, it could be helpful to the community; there would be yet another place to purchase needed goods. On the other hand, more and more habitats and trees would be destroyed if the new store was built. I personally believe it's not the greates idea to be thrown out there. Are there not enough places to buy things already? And do we not already recieve nutrients from the area in which the stoore would be built?
    Let's say the store is in fact built. One little insect may lose an entire ecosystem in that general area. Most people believe that that's no big deal at all. What does one little insect do for un anyway? More than they know, actually. There are organisms thatwe depend on that may depend on those insects for a certain source of food, or any other kind of reason. Well if they lose that one insect, then they have a higher chance of dying out. And we may depend THEM for food, or something else. Of we lose them, then won't we have something else to worry about?
    There are plenty of other places to get exactly what would be sold at this new store. But if it must be built, we can at least find anoter place to do it, where there won't be so many things in danger. Then again, if that is the ONLY area able to be built upon, at least use if for something more worthwhile than a grocery store. Maybe a gym; there are a lot of fat people in this country.

    Greg Vinson
