Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weekend Blog Post:
Answer in narrative or poetic form--your choice.
  • What does it mean to be an effective writer?
  • What must the text acheive in order to be successful?
  • What are the qualities of a well-written text?
  • What personal qualites must the writer develop to cultivate his or her craft?


  1. An effective writer must have an idea of what he is going to write. The writer must also make sure that the audience he/she is writing to understands what the message is. The qualitites of a well-written text are descriptive words. The writer must be able to express themself.
    Constantine Unanka

  2. It means to know what your writing and thinking. The text must meet your audience in all forms and that it is clear to read.The writer must be able to have an imagination and knows how to express themsleves through their writing.
    jordan carter

  3. An effective writer must express his or her emotions in a way that is easy to relate to. In order to be successful, a writer must publish something that is interesting. Writing something well includes having good grammar, accurate spelling and punctuation, and a decent vocabulary.

    A writer must learn to work through writers' block and other such things to cultivate his or her craft.

    (the end)

    -Katie Hoover

  4. An effective writer must express his or her emotions in a way that is easy to relate to. In order to be successful, a writer must publish something that is interesting. Writing something well includes having good grammar, accurate spelling and punctuation, and a decent vocabulary.

    A writer must learn to work through writers' block and other such things to cultivate his or her craft.

    (the end)

    -Katie Hoover

  5. To be an effective writer, first, one must know HOW to write. They must know the basic concepts, and what the point they are trying to get across very well. The text in a piece of writing should have good vocabulary, and actually MEAN something, not just have a bunch of words. The qualities of a well-written text is a good rythm, and well-written texts make sense. The writer should use their personal experiences and feelings to their advantage when writing. It's also a good thing to practice writing every now and then, just so you don't lose good ideas that could blossom into bigger things.

    Greg Vinson

  6. To be an effective writer is to know what he or she is writing. An effective writer must also know how to use correct grammer. A write should write about what they know as well. you should always try to tie your writing in with your life. Qualites of a well-written text are correct grammer and punctuation. The personal qualites a writer should develop are the ones that over power writers block.
    William Wilson

  7. An efective writer must use good decriptive words and be creative. The text must use literary elemtents and use them well. To achevie this one must have extensive knowledge on the literary terms and how to use them. The writer must be creative, devoted and an over achiever

  8. sorry Tom Barker wroter that last one

  9. What does it mean to be an effective writer?
    An effective writer can capture the reader's attention and hold it throughout the entire piece. An effective writer is never redundant.

    What must the text achieve in order to be successful?
    The text must achieve its own voice. It should stand out to the reader that this is out of the ordinary.

    What are the qualities of a well-written text?
    A well-written text bears an original idea, supported by vivid imagery and a climax or turning point. The text should keep the audience entranced even after the last phrase.

    What personal qualities must the writer develop to cultivate his his or her craft?
    The effective writer is patient and self-reflecting. He or she can take criticism and always has room for improvement.

    -Kerri Howell

  10. To be an effectice writer, the author must create something interesting, and something that someone would want to read. The author must also develop a topic of interest, and stick with it throughout the piece he/she is writing. The text must use elements of writing, correct spelling, and good grammar; no matter what the style of writing is. The author must also be creative, and can get through writer's block when needed. These factors are all used in a well-written text.

    Katherine Harrell

  11. An effective writer knows how to lure in their audiance through decriptave words and imagery.
    The text should have proper punctuation.And no grammar errors. It must be interesting and appeal to the senses and emotions orf the reader.
    The writer must have an open imagination, and put his/her ideas into words and onto the paper.
    -Jennifer Bennett

  12. -To be an effective writer you must be able to use proper language, punctuation, and proper vocabulary.

    -The text must be able to attract the attention of the reader and then draw them in with figurative language and imagery.

    -The qualities of a well-written text are use words that are understood by everyone and avoid using unnecessary words or phrases.

    -The writer must be able to have a pretty creative imagination and be able to take criticism at some points in their writing.

    -Phillip Petty

  13. An effective must hav a really creative imagination,also the writer should use imagery in his/her writing.The text should be clear and meaningful.Writers need to be able to laugh at his/her self.A well written text should have perfect punctuation, proper language,and proper vocabulary.
    -Marcus Demery

  14. To be an effective writer, you have to appeal to your audience. For your text to be successful, you have to get the reader to belieave that what he/she is reading is true. Qualitys of a well written text are format or some order, clear, good grammer, etc. You should always keep your personality in your writing and that will add your special qualitys. Writing, to me, should be about learning how to pull those qualitys out more. Unfortunitely alot of my teacehers have told their students to hide them. Ms. Roop definitely doesn't, she is great.


  15. To be an affective writer you must be able to communicate your feelings with others.The text must make sense and the readers must be able to understand it.Some qualities of a well-written text are the use of a good vocabulary and the words are very descriptive. The writer must be confident and be ready to express themselves.
    -Shariah Newson-

  16. What is means to be a good writer is to be creative, inventive, and try to do different things. The text in a piece of writing must achieve your interest and your liking to their piece. The qualities of a well written piece are good imagery, awesome meaning behind it and an something that catches the readers eye or atleast interest them in continuing there reading. The personal qualities that a writer must develop is a great imagination, a awesome vocabulary and the skills to become a very creative writer.

    Christie Peterson♥

  17. To be a good writer you must be creative and effectively express your self. The text should be understandable to the reader. A writer needs to have good imagery and vocabulary this makes it easier to express your emotions. In well-written text you are able to express your self easily and stay organized. Creativeness will definitely help develop any writers’ skills.
    Ashley Hawks

  18. To be or become an effective writer you have must learn how to write stories in many ways.The reason why is because sometimes you cant write the same story or genre,at times we as writers have to step out of our box.The text effective writers should use a text where the audience can understand.The qualities of a well-written text is using proper grammar.The personal qualities is just be creative.

    Ariel Terrell

  19. In a good peice of literature, the writer must connect with the reader the whole purpose in writing is for the reader. To truely be an effective writer you have to know how to get what your trying to say across so that the reader understands and is interested. A well written tezt i would say is something that is developed clearly and can be read and understood. It also has to be concise, with the correct grammer and structure with depending on what you were writing. I think a writer hass to be an open minded person,writers think differently with words to paper like a painter to a piece of art. Writers take the chance to say what many are thinking but don't say. To cultivate their works writers have to have a lot of different qualities to being together in thier peices. -Ariel Caligan

  20. To be an effective writter you must have confidence. You must trust what you are saying. Your text must be written properly. You must also write so that others can understand. You must also have your own personal style.
    - Perry King -

  21. To be an effective writer means having the passion for what you are going to write. Knowing that you are going to get somewhere.
    The text in in order to achevie is by knowing that the reader can get the message if not then it's a mystery to them.
    The qualities of a well-writen text is the being able to use words to describe what is going on in a story etc. using good imagery. It also has to bring the reader in on what is going on, wanting them to read more.
    The personal qualites that a writer must develop to cultivate his or her craft has to do with a little piece of there life. Such has there feelings they may bring into the message, expressing you their attitude.
    Catherine Grizzle

  22. An effective writer perfects all the apects of a story, poem, or any other foem of liturature. Texts needs to be correct and checkerd for grammer. The qualities of a well-written text has correct grammer, punctuation and a consistane topic. Personal qualities, would be to stay focused on the topic, keep the reader intrested, and be creative, not boring.

  23. An effecticve writer writes from experience. Although,everything they write about is not fact, or even true, they have knowledge or experince with the situation. They always clarify and show skill in vocabulary. It takes tremendous effort and time to become an effective writer.
    -Niya Johnson-

  24. One New Work
    You don't Know

    You see my face
    you watch my gaze
    you my minds in another place
    you wonder taken me so far away

    But you don't know what i've been through
    you don't know what i have to go home too
    you don't know what keeps my angel face so blue
    You don't know do you?

    Just another day
    it fades away
    you ask me why i never stay
    i turn to you and you listen as i say

    You don't know me
    you don't know what i could become to be
    you don't know the hidden meanings you just don't know

    evertime goes by
    i start to wonder why
    im so sick of seeing you cry
    it makes hurt so bad i just wanna die

    i don't know
    i just don't know
    i wish you'd let me in so i could see
    i wish you'd jsut confide in me
    i'll be right here
    waiting near
    Al you have to do is let me hear

    One day i'll know
    One day it'll show
    One day it won't matter anymore

  25. Revised Work

    Time to Meet

    The wind chills high
    it cuts through my skin
    Blue-Gray skies show through
    the bare shaken trees

    Snows hidden on the ground
    crisp leaves lay dead and forgotten
    Awinter rush against my back
    Chills embrace down my neck

    Is being here always so cold?
    Always so alone?
    An unspoken pressure of lonliness
    It's all left unsaid

    Tears frozen in time,
    regrets linger
    An unknowing silence
    Is it always this cold here?

    Leaving questions without answers
    Riddles without questions
    Brisk winds dance on wispers
    I must know

    I stand to hear
    Untill she blooms'
    and reaches near

    I'll quietly ask her
    is it always so cold here?

    As cold as ice
    Her warm breeze touches me
    But no answer was told
    I guess I'll never know
    why it's always so cold.
