Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Adventure Story


  1. It all started when I was five. I over heard my parents talking my “Real Parents”. I thought that was kind of strange because I thought they were my real parents. Now I’m fifteen and I want to get to the bottom of everthing.
    Today, I decided to ask my mother if want I heard was really true. When I ask she hesitated for a second and said, “Yes, when you were about two months old your father and I found you wrapped in blankets in a dumpter outside the grocery store, and decided to adopt you.” This had to be the worse new I had ever heard, I couldn’t be more upset because they have lied to me for fifteen years.
    That night I decided to run away to run away and find my biological parents. Around 2:00 A.M. that night I dashed out the back door, and around 4:00 A.M. I was across the state line of New Jersey. I only knew a few things about my parents, one thing is that they live in New York, and the other is that their names are Jack and Diane Smith. When I got into the city limits of New York I saw a wanted flyer on a light pole that read, “Wanted Jack and Diane Smith, for the murder of five inesent people. There is a reward for anyone that helps police get a lead in their arrest.”
    Now I was getting worried because I couldn’t go back home without being in loads of trouble, and I didn’t want them to try and kill me not knowing was their son. However, I had come this far to meet my real parents and I wasn’t going to leave without meeting them. Sinse the flyer had their picture on it, I would be able to spot them if I saw them, however I had to find were they were living first. I kept on walking trying to find them, and I happened to run up on an old warehouse and I thought I would go in there to get a little shut eye. The next morning I awoke to a male and a female arguing like crazy, I sat up and saw it was my parents. I went down to the lower level and walked up to them, when they saw me they jumped and pulled out a gun, and I said “hold on I’m your son your left me in a dumpster when I was only two months old.” They had an atonished look on their faces; they couldn’t believe it was actually me. When I told them that I knew they were murders and they were wanted, and I also told them I would not turn them in to the police, when I said that they looked relived to here that.
    The all of a sudden a swat team came flying threw the windows and doors, and arrested my parents; they also took me back to my adopted family. When I got home my parents started to yell at me for running away however they were glad I was home and safe. Later on that night I saw a news report that said “two murders have been caught and are most likely going to be put away for life.
    Two months have pasted and I was watching and I heard the news and they said, “The murders Jack and Diane Smith have been convicted for five counts of first degree murder and one counted of child abandonment. I was very sad to here that they were going to be in jail for the rest of their lives. However I was happy that nobody else were going to be murdered by my parents.

  2. The Vinson Invasion Pt. 1 (revised work)
    The Vinson Invasion Part 1 revised work
    By Tom Barker with permission from Greg Vinson
    Mr. Ralph Kitley walked down the halls of Southeast High School. He took in the familiar smells of the building. Then the bell rang and armies of kids came pouring out of their classes threatening to engulf him, but he had long since learned how to keep his balance in the on rush of children. They were all talking with friend or going to their next class. Well all except one: Greg Vinson. He was simply standing against a wall.
    Mr. Kitley frowned. The students should be against the wall doing nothing, so he calmly walked up to Greg and asked if he was about to proceed to his next class. Greg simply ignored him. Mr. Kitley asked him again and was given the same response. The 3rd time he asked he said it in an angrier tone. This time Greg responded, but he just screamed in a way no human could. The V-shaped mark on the side of his face glowed red and Greg turned into an alien. Greg grew taller turned red and black and emitted an odd cracking sound as he changed.
    The new Greg looked like a reddish bipedal alien with slimy skin and bent limbs. The he pulled a small remote out from his backpack and pressed red button thought the school small cocoons busted out of the floor. Out of each of them came another alien similar to Greg. Then in a voice like the alien in "Independence Day" Greg spoke. "Earth will end now."
    Mr. Kitley was staring dumbfounded at the new Greg. One of the teachers nearby told him to calm down or he you get a parent call. Greg ate half a locker and the teacher ran away. Mr. Kitley quick got an evacuation plan started and all the children got out quickly and safely. Mr. Kitley did not half any idea of how to stop Greg or his alien friends. But then out of nowhere a wall was blown down and standing in the ruin was what just might save them all: Chuck Norris.
    To be continued…

  3. The Vinson Invasion Part 2
    By Tom Barker with permission from Greg Vinson (New!)
    "You know what hey say about me?" Chuck taunted to the Greg/alien. "I give Freddy Krueger nightmares."
    Chuck leapt at the alien and it was flung into a wall. "You sir a brute" said the alien who then fired lasers from his left eyelash! Chuck Norris was hit and knocked against the wall. Meanwhile Mr. Kitley snuck up behind the alien and poked him, and it shattered.
    "Thanks, tall guy" said Chuck "Say you should play basketball, and nice beard."
    "Yeah, I get that basketball thing often" replied Mr. Kitley. "Now what are those things and why are they destroying stuff?"
    "They are the Vinson's a race of alien shape shifters with a V-shaped marks on the sides of their faces" explained Chuck. "We have to stop them or they will destroy Earth."
    The two bearded allies made their way to the alien ship that waited unguarded in the parking outside of the school. The two men slowly crept up to the alien ship as the aliens broke several school windows. When they arrived Chuck smacked the ship with all his might, but nothing happened.
    "It must be covered with anti-Chuckinum." observed Chuck.
    "What's that?" asked Mr. Kitley.
    "It is the only metal that is to girly to keep me out." explained Chuck. "The Vinson's are a bunch of wimps to do this. I shall find another way in you guard the entrance from alien attack."

    To be continued
