Tuesday, March 10, 2009



  1. Cold weather is horrible unless there is snow, well atleast thats what Julie thinks. You see Julies loves the warm weather, shes a summer girl. One quiet morning Julie wakes up to the ground overed in the snow was if a white blanket was sent to warm the earth. Julie wanted to go play in the snow but she couldn't find her jacket. Julie's mom wouldn't let her go play outside unless she found her jacket. Julie's mom didn't want her to freeze to death. Finally a little bit later Julie found her jacket, yay! Julie goes outside to play, as she steps out her eyes turned to diamonds. CRUNCH, CRUNCH. Goes the snow as Julie runs around, making a snowman. Julies snowman turned out to be very cute. She named it Frank. Frank had a purple scarf, three little black buttons, a carrot nose, a mouth made of seven little black buttons, and two short sticks for the arms. Julie had gotten so hungry she thought Frank had told her that his purple scarf needed to be fixed. She was allusinating. She finally went inside her mom had made her hot chocolate and some toast. It was the perfect snack to the end of a peaceful snowy morning.

  2. It's 11:48 at night, and the snow is pouring down. I have to write a new piece within the next couple of minutes. And I don't know what to write about, I'm ready to go to bed. I went outside in the snow tonight, I almost slipped and fell; that's classic Chelsea for you. But it's late, and my toes are cold, so I'm getting off. I think I'll go fix some hot chocolate and look outside. Goodnight Ms.Roop! (:
